Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
The women who volunteered to model for this project were putting their faith and trust in a little known artist because every one of them believed in what he was trying to do.
“Finding volunteers was not easy to begin with. People have asked how I did it and my answer is simple – I asked everybody with a vagina. That may seem flippant but it’s true. If you were a woman and you knew me back them, at some point I’d have asked you.”
Their age range is from 18-76 and include sisters, mothers and daughters and trans men and women. There was no editorial process; whoever wanted to do it was welcome. These women were from all social strata, a multitude of ethnicities and many different countries. What they had in common was the desire to see this project happen. It felt important to also allow them to explain, in their own words, what drove them to get involved. Over a hundred appear in the dedicated book of the project shown below. A selection of these stories we’ve published here for you to enjoy…
I've never been the kind of bird that has been-at-one with my vagina or sat with a mirror wedged between my thighs watching myself masturbate and getting all zen about it.
Brenda Read
These brave women explain, in their own words, why they got involved…
Over a hundred of these women’s stories appear in the dedicated book of the project. Although all 400 casts also appear in the book, it was decided that they would not sit alongside the women’s words. This was in order to preserve their anonymity, which was the basis for many to participate. However more than a decade later, some have decided they actually would like their cast to appear with their words. Not everybody felt the need to write an account. Many felt their cast was statement enough and testament to their support of the project. “I’m voting with my fanny”, as one woman so eloquently put it!